About Us

What is 1-888-DRIVING.com

 We live in a world where instant gratification is the new normal. It’s changed the restaurant industry, the transportation industry and the world of eCommerce. But it hasn’t revolutionized the car and driving industry … until now. Everything from automotive repairs and services, traffic and accident attorneys, defensive driving and traffic schools or even getting your drivers license, 1-888-DRIVING is your #1 Resource for All Things Driving! 

We all understand the pain of finding automotive experts you can count on and the old method of checking review sites, posting a few desperate requests on social media, calling around frantically - and then hoping not to be price-gouged - is not the best use of your precious time and patience? Luckily, there’s a better way.

How We Can Help:

The premise is simple. 1-888-DRIVING removes the pain and frustration of doing the research and calling around for price quotes when you need anything related to your car or driving privileges.

Let’s take a look at an example. Say you need new tires.

These are the painful steps you would follow without 1-888-Driving:

  1. Ask a friend where to go. If you’re feeling adventurous, send out a post or request for referrals via the social media site of your choosing. Be prepared to sift through random comments from your mom’s acquaintance from Jazzercise class, who feels the need to post a response wondering why you need new tires in the first place.
  2. Carpet bomb the search engine of your choice with queries like “good tire shops in my area,” “what’s a reasonable price to pay for new tires” and “are people really still doing Jazzercise?”
  3. From that search, you get the names of some reputable-looking tire shops in your area.You have no idea whether this is a complete list of the best of what’s nearby, and you also have a sneaking suspicion that the weirdly glowing reviews for the shops might be fake. But you diligently call all the shops on your shortlist - repeating your tire size and the year, make and model of your car over and over until it starts to sound like a weirdly hypnotic song.
  4. On these phone calls, you either hear a quote on the spot - which you frantically scribble down - or the shop promises to call you back. You’re not sure whether the callback is ever coming, but what can you do? 
  5. While you wait, you head to the review site of your choice to try to determine whether the shops you got a quote from are trustworthy and legit.

Now....These are the steps that you would follow with 1-888-DRIVING:

  1. GoTo 1-888-DRIVING.com
  2. Enter “tires” in the search field.
  3. Begin the quick question wizard (3-4 questions).
  4. Sit back as bids start rolling in within minutes, and continue for up to 24 hours.

Your time is priceless. Your patience is to be respected and preserved, right?  Which of the above methods would you rather use to find tires ?

Why We’re Better

By using 1-888-DRIVING, you save time and money -- and lots of it and all of your personal information stays with us!  No Direct Cold Calls, No Direct Spam emails from any of our partner businesses!

Here are some other benefits:

The system will send you a maximum of five (5) service bids -- ensuring that you’re only hearing from the providers that are the best fit for your needs

  • Each bid includes reviews from previous 1-888-DRIVING customers, Yelp reviews, BBB ratings as well as any other information the business chooses to share about its policies and services
  • You can easily communicate via phone or email with the business you choose
  • Businesses do not have access to your personal contact info until you give it to them. That means you never have to worry about being bombarded with solicitations and intrusive follow-ups
  • Once your service is completed, you have the power to share a review of your experience
  • The service is completely free to use

Services Available

1-888-DRIVING is your one-stop automotive resource to find shops and providers in your area, along with detailed reviews from past customers.

Use 1-888-DRIVING to find your perfect provider for these services and more:

  • Auto Insurance
  • Service and Repairs 
  • Traffic Ticket services (Traffic and Defensive Driving Courses)
  • Fighting a traffic ticket (attorneys)
  • Driver’s education Courses
  • Anything to do with your car ordriving!

Our CEO, Steve Soldis, has a long history of thinking outside the box. When he pioneered the concept of online driver improvement training back in 1997, Car and Driver called him “the Tony Robbins of online driver education.” The concept behind that first venture was so simple that it’s hard to imagine a world before it. The idea behind 1-888-Driving is just as revolutionary.